Wednesday 20 July 2011

Food and Drinkssss, mate!

I hadn't had the spirit to post a blog in the last two days because I finally came down with a cold case of homesickness. Now I have decided to show you some of the Englandy foods I have around my kitchen! Here is what I found:                              

PG Tips

You might have heard about the huge deal made over tea around here. I did some research and  it turns out that "Every day we  [as Englandites] drink 165 million cups of the stuff and each year around 144 thousand tons of tea are imported." It seems that a lot of Brits like their tea really strong. Although my Mum happens to be a full-blood Brit, our family, as the pitiful wimps that we are, still prefers a lighter version of the regular black tea. PG Tips. 

This is me, showing you how to insert a teabag into your mug. You might want to practice a few times by making the gestures with your hands before actually trying to do it. I make it look quite easy in this picture. My mug has a little Buddha man along with a few other kings and gods of pleasant things, in hopes that it will be a countering effect on my extreme caffeine rushes.

Lemon Barley Water 
(I definitely had a Scottish accent when I said that in my head!)

American Chums: Pay CLOSE ATTENTION. When you arrive in England for the first time, you're going to find yourself needing a drink of water at some point in time. If you're anything like me, once you find an acceptable water source, you will take a sip and immediately spit it out. The water here tastes like CRAP! That is probably why they've invented Barley Water; a soft and tasty addition to assuage the horrid taste of your water. 

Ribena <3

This is simpleton me, loving a bottle of Ribena. It's much like the Barley Water, but with a terrific blackcurrant flavour. I have always loved it and will continue loving it throughout the entirety of my life. To sum most things up, I may just have "Ribena :D" carved into my grave when I die. Probably below it, "overdose" will be written.

Digestive Biscuits- also come chocolate coated!

I don't know why I'm frowning here.. these are quite good with tea. 


I actually do mean to frown here. I used to love it as a child but I think I also ate just as much glue as I did this stuff so I'm not really sure I knew how to taste back then. Mum loves it, and we all think she's weird. It really is one of those things that either you love or you hate...


Q: Why do you guys drink so much tea?
A: The real question is HOW can we drink so much tea and the answer is because we're bloody AMAZING!

Q: Is tea all you ever drink?
A: Nah, beer mate! Gotta *hiccup* have them beers...

Q: What is 'Spotted Dick'?
A: Sometimes when you go out partying and really get into things... I jest, I jest! It's a steamed pudding usually consisting of fruit and accommodated by custard.

This is all making me very hungry so I think I'm going to indulge in a midnight snack - S'laters! xxx


1 comment:

  1. Yes, I wholeheartedly agree Marmite is gross. :)Sorry Gill :)
